Package-level declarations


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interface Connectivity

The Connectivity interface provides a way to monitor the network connectivity status.

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open class ConnectivityOptions(val autoStart: Boolean = DEFAULT_AUTO_START)

The ConnectivityOptions class provides configuration options for the Connectivity instance.

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The ConnectivityProvider interface provides a way to monitor the network connectivity status.

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Marks the annotated element as internal to the connectivity module.


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fun Connectivity(provider: ConnectivityProvider, options: ConnectivityOptions = ConnectivityOptions(), scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)): Connectivity

Creates a Connectivity instance.

fun Connectivity(provider: ConnectivityProvider, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default), options: ConnectivityOptions.Builder.() -> Unit): Connectivity

Creates a Connectivity instance with a builder for the ConnectivityOptions.

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